Kearney Public Schools Campaign

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Kearney PubLic Schools campaign

Kearney Public Schools has a long history of supporting United Way. Every school is impacted in some way by United Way and its partner agencies. 

Kearney Public Schools graduate reading a book                   back to school supplies                    food donations

Your United Way donations at work in Kearney public schools: 

  • Over 700 coats will be distributed to students at every school at KPS in September.
  • Your students in foster care or victims of abuse receive support from agencies such as Compass, Family Advocacy Network and CASA
  • Girls in KCLC programs at Emerson, Central, Northeast, Bryant and Kenwood are able to participate in Girl Scouts for free through funding from United Way.
  • Teens engaged in risky sexual activity receive complementary STD testing, pregnancy testing and ultrasounds at Collage
  • Students in elementary programs have access to mentors through the Friends Program.
  • Uninsured students can access immunizations and health care through the Immunization Clinic and HelpCare Clinic
  • Families receive economic assistance in times of need through Jubilee Center, Salvation Army, Homeless Prevention and RAFT. 
  • Many children prepare for Kindergarten and academic success through programming at Head Start.
  • Approximately 50 children receive scholarships to participate in extra-curricular activities such as PAWS, swimming, or sports through United Way every year. 

Community Transformation begins with You

Just as education builds lesson after lesson, so does your support to United Way. It might be easy to think that a nominal donation won't make an impact, but it does. Your donation, added to the next person's adds up to make a difference. Generosity begins somewhere. It can begin with you.

Will you give today to ensure that students in your school and the Kearney community continue to receive this necessary support? These programs are vital to families so that students can come to school ready to learn. 



Pledge today

Making your pledge is easy. Whether you want to donate one time, with a credit card, or by payroll deductions, please complete the following steps. 

1. Register your pledge by completing this form

2. If you selected a credit or debit card payment in your pledge, you can complete your donation here

3. If you selected check or cash, you can drop off or mail your gift to United Way 4009 6th Ave #19 Kearney, NE 68845.

4. If you selected payroll deduction, your donations will be made for eight months: November through June. 

5. If you selected to be billed, you will be emailed an invoice per your request. 


thank you!