iPledge to support United Way
iPledge members create momentum and bring light for change in the Kearney area by pledging to donating at least $500 per year. As a member, you will receive special recognition and benefits associated with your pledge.
Make your ipledge here
iPledge provides families, contractors, realtors, attorneys, professionals and small business owners the opportunity to pledge funds without being involved in traditional workplace campaign.
When you support United Way of the Kearney Area, you are helping to lay a critical foundation for the network of care that people in the community rely on. You make it possible for It All to Add Up. Without your generosity, your neighbors would go without housing or food. Children would not have access to the care and advocacy they need after facing child abuse or neglect.
When you pledge your support, you are bringing light and hope for all in the Kearney area.
Level One: Torchbearer's Club ($500-$999 annually)
- Video Testimonial on website
- Minimum of 1 recognition post across all UWKA social platforms
- #iPledge name/business included in one UWKA e-newsletter and on the website
- Featured person/business of United Way's #WhyIGiveWednesday social campaign
- Invitation to exclusive #iPledge reception
Level two: Illuminator's Circle ($1,000-$2,999 annually)
- Video Testimonial on website and social media
- Quarterly recognition post across all UWKA social platforms
- #iPledge name/business included in UWKA e-newsletter quarterly and on the website
- Featured person/business of United Way's #WhyIGiveWednesday social campaign
- Invitation to exclusive #iPledge reception
- Giving Level Corporate Sponsorship Benefits once full pledge amount is received
Level three: Leadership circle ($3,000+ annually)
- Video Testimonial on UW socials 2x a year and on website
- Quarterly promotion across all UWKA social platforms
- #iPledge name/business included in UWKA e-newsletter monthly and on the website
- Featured person/business of United Way's #WhyIGiveWednesday social campaign
- Invitation to exclusive #iPledge reception and exclusive VIP event with local CEOs
- Giving Level Corporate Sponsorship Benefits once full pledge amount is received
iPledge online
Pledge to support United Way by filling out this form and making a donation here.
You can download a fillable pdf to email to Savannah@uwka.org or print along with your check.
Level three: Leadership Circle
Level Two: Illuminator's Circle
Brad Kernick Paul & Linda Younes
Level one: Torchbearer's club
Anderson Bros. Electric, Plumbing & Heating